Thursday, November 26, 2009

Indigo Changes Colours!

One day, we took pictures of Indigo in the classroom. Indigo's colour was changing as he was moving around in the light. Indigo is very happy now.

Indigo Finally Swims!

On Wednesday afternoon, Indigo was moving a little bit around the bowl and then he went deeper in the bowl. Yesterday, we moved his home. He used to be beside Ms. Angelovski and now he is infront of the class, on the brown table. He has his own desk!

Meet our fish...Indigo Speedy Rex

This is our fish, Indigo Speedy Rex. Our fish is a betta fish. We will show you more pictures. If you click the picture, it will give you a closer look!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We love our pet fish

Our pet fish's name is Indigo Speedy Rex. It is a beta fish. We know that it sleeps a lot! Our fish, is very lazy. Our fish is so pretty. It is blue and silver.
OUR FISH IS VERY HAPPY LIVING IN OUR SCHOOL. We follow the rules from our board.
We are making this blog so that people can find out how to take care of fish. We hope you read our blog everyday to find out more about fish.
Ms. Angelovski's Grade 1 class and Ms. Poulis

The Toronto District School Board's Rules about Animals in the Classroom

The TDSB has rules on having animals in the classroom. These rules are the STRUCTURE that we need to have in our class so that the animal is happy and that we are safe in our classroom. Here are the rules:
  1. Animals such as turtles and birds should not be kept in the classroom because these animals easily get infections
  2. The animal should not be let out of its cage in the classroom
  3. All of the animal's waste and cage cleaning should be placed in a sealed plastic bag and thrown away
  4. If the animal scratches or bites your skin, immediately clean the affected area and report it to the principal
  5. Wash your hands throughly after touching the animal
  6. Cats and dogs are not to be kept in schools but may be welcomed as occasional supervised visitors only after the Principal says it's okay

The following questions need to be answered before we can keep the animal in our classroom

  • Do students or teachers have any allergies to this animal?
  • Are there any students or teachers who are scared of this animal?
  • Does this animal interfere with the student's religion?
  • Are there appropriate cages for the animal?
  • Do classroom teachers understand that it is their responsibility to clean and maintain the animal cage?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Our First Day Together

Today in the library, we learned about blogs. (Shusmit)
We learned that a blog has an address (Iyiola), a title (Humza), a picture or a symbol (Vania and Zaina) and hyperlinks (Mridula).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Questions we have

  • Shusmit: When do betta fish eat?
  • Vania: How big is a betta fish mouth?
  • Humza: How do betta fish eat?
  • Fardeen: Why do betta fish move? How do they move?
  • Asad: Where do betta fish live?
  • Ali: What do girl betta fish look like? What do boy betta fish look like?
  • Iyiola: How do betta fish lay eggs?
  • Mridula: When do betta fish move fast?
  • Ms. Angelovski: How old is Indigo?
  • Ms. Poulis: What enemies do betta fish have?
  • Marjan: Why do betta fish move very slow?
  • Nazia: Where do betta fish come from?
  • Zainab: Why are betta fish's colours differently? Why are his fins different from other fish?
  • How do betta fish sleep?

Big Question

How do systems and structures meet our needs?

Systems: Natural and Man-made
-clean air

We have a pet fish. We are trying to meet its needs in our classroom. What needs does the fish have?

  1. We need to research and find out what needs fish have and how we can meet them in our class.
  2. We meet these needs by trying to imitate its natural environment in our classroom.
  3. What problems can arise? Can we make a physical envrionment similar to a natural environment?
  4. What structures (rules) do we need to put in place?